Market Intelligence and Intelligence Marketing

‘Intelligence’ the word makes a feel of thrill. A bit amazing feeling is felt. Remembering of few spy figures such as, James Bond, Ethan Hunt, Masud Rana, Bomkesh, Feluda, etc. and few organizations; CIA, FBI, BCI, KGB, RAW, Mossad etc. However, this article is going to show readers how intelligence is relate with market.


Intelligence is related with gathering information As we know, market is a set of actual and potential buyers. First, comes with ‘Market Intelligence’. Market Intelligence  means gathering information about market like; behavior of consumer, about the products they are using or going to be used, about their buying and consuming pattern, ability etc. For an example, ‘X’ company wants to launch a new soft drink. It needs some information. So, the company goes through a survey research to collect information about market. At market, there are few categories soft drinks like; cola, light lemon, orange, lemon flavor etc. Some few brands are known to us; Coca Cola, Sprite, Fanta, Pepsi, 7up, Mirinda, Mountain Dew, Pran Cola, Makka Cola, Mojo Cola, Clemon etc. The organization wants to learn which segment is large and which flavor occupies large market share. The organization will go through any of quantitative research. Suppose,  light lemon’s market share is high. But, teenagers segment is large and maximum of them like cola. Few people do not like to take color, few do not like the smell, health conscious people like to avoid cola and old people are forbidden to take cola. The light lemon flavor is taken by every segment. The organization takes decision to produce cola and light lemon flavor based soft drink to capture a huge running segment’s business and the big market share of flavor. Gathering data form market is legal. These data become information when R&D uses to get some new information. This procedure is Market Intelligence.


Other one is Intelligence Marketing. It has been already told in a previous article that marketing is creating relation with people. Intelligence Marketing is quite different from Market Intelligence. What is Intelligence Marketing? How it works for an organization? Intelligence Marketing is making relationship with the people of competitors’ organizations into their places as an employee or a customer without their consent. Intelligence Marketing is not gathering information about customers; gathering information about all stakeholders and internal matters to provide his or her organization. Yes, here is thrill. If you will be an executive, Intelligence Marketing Department, you have to gather information on what they do, what they think, what they are going to do, what their vision is. In that case, you will not only work at others’ inside, but also work inside of own organization. The executive faces only one problem. Though s/he is appointed to spy but, there is no appointment letter. If s/he is caught for spying, the organization will not recognize her/him. But, it is necessary to protect own business though it is illegal.


For an example; Mr. D is an intelligence marketing executive of a coaching center ‘S’. It is a famous coaching center. It has few competitors like; ‘L’, ‘F’, ‘M’ etc. Mr. D’s work is to enter these organization to visit free classes and note the matters; how many potential students join these classes, what books they are following, what policies they are making, if they are talking any bad word about ‘S’ etc. Evidences should be collected. It can be paperwork or video or audio or all together to counter their strategy and tactics. After gathering things, he will submit it to head of the department. Suppose, the organization ‘S’ heard some rumors inside the organization like; one person is selling out the secrets or one teacher does not follow the policy or one teacher sells own sheets. Mr. D’s work is to find out the truth with evidence without any recognition and consent as shadow.


One executive does not know another. Reporting to the head is must. If executive is caught, organization will not take any responsibility and will not recognize, too. Isn’t it risky? Sure, it is. It is a work of a spy, corporate spy. Some organizations use the power of Intelligence Marketing to destroy its competitor. Is this necessary? If you have competitor, you will not be bored and this will improve you day by day. Otherwise, you will be at same position and not improved a fraction of bit. Intelligence type is always related with R&D. Training and motivating sales force, developing external network of distributors and suppliers make the activities easier. So, use intelligence to become better than others and keep yourself safe; not to harm others.

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